Since fall 2021, the Evernine Group has been supporting the technology partner Expleo in the areas of PR as well as marketing. In both areas, a focus is placed on the topic of "HR". In addition, Evernine offers media coaching and personal branding measures.
With a newly formed PR unit and new post-PR world strategies, Evernine focused primarily on establishing the basic structures in the area of press relations at the beginning of the collaboration. In addition to setting up a distribution and media target list, the focus was put on developing a press kit, researching topic plans and setting up press boxes for sending out press releases.
As a complement to classic and digital PR services, Evernine also offers its support in the field of HR marketing. The goal here is to position Expleo as an attractive employer, which is to happen, among other things, by organizing a roadshow at German universities.
In marketing, the current focus is on executing a Qualified Lead Campaign (QLM).