New marketing wind for brands in the Living & Lifestyle sector with Evernine

In the Living & Lifestyle sector, new trends often emerge overnight. Brands and companies need to be ready so as not to miss any opportunities. To do this, they need the right marketing and communication strategies. YOUDRESSED Innovations, part of IBS Publishing and the Evernine Group, is the right partner for this.
The pulse of the times beats fast - there is hardly any market environment where this is as true as in the Living & Lifestyle sector. Innovative marketing strategies and successful communication with the relevant target groups are therefore essential. With YOUDRESSED Innovations, companies have the right partner at their side.
Digital transformation in marketing
YOUDRESSED Innovations is your communications consultancy for the digital era. As part of IBS Publishing, a member of the Evernine Group, you benefit from a large network of experienced industry specialists with extensive know-how. YOUDRESSED Innovations supports you with modern change management and workshops for your digital marketing. Our “Become Visible” approach shows how effective multichannel strategies can work by seamlessly combining traditional and digital channels.
Awareness and lead campaigns
At the heart of our strategy are integrative multichannel awareness campaigns that include social media, content distribution, search engine marketing and PR. In addition, we offer specialized lead campaigns that ensure maximum effectiveness and targeting through the use of online stores, A/B testing, KPI analysis, retargeting and live checks.
Content is King
Another key aspect of our services is support in the area of content. Our specialist editorial team for Living & Lifestyle handles all aspects of content production, from finding and creating topics to running our own lifestyle magazine YouDressed, supported by targeted PR campaigns and the organization of press events. In doing so, we build a network of experts and influencers to increase the reach and credibility of our client companies. In addition, we deliver user-friendly and UI-optimized websites and showrooms and also take on the creation of in-house company magazines.
Brand development and strategy consulting
YOUDRESSED Innovations bietet umfassende Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Kommunikationsstrategien, sowohl bei Unternehmensübernahmen als auch im regulären Geschäftsbetrieb. Von der Entwicklung von Produkt-, Service- und Lösungsstrategien bis hin zur Schaffung einer kohärenten Markenidentität und Benutzererfahrung – wir sorgen dafür, dass jede Marke ihr volles Potenzial entfaltet.
Network and partnerships

A strong network of renowned influencers and ambassadors is ready to make your campaigns a success. Our networking in the industry enables us to forge effective partnerships and empower our clients to turn their brand experiences into digital results.
YOUDRESSED Innovations is your ideal partner to successfully spread your messages from the Living & Lifestyle world. Would you like to take the step into the digital future of your communication with us? Get in touch with us!
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Sie haben eine exakte Vorgabe, wollen ausgewählte Unternehmen angehen & diese im Idealfall als Neukunden gewinnen? Erfahren Sie in unserem Factsheet, wie Sie mit Account-based Marketing-Kampagnen der Evernine Ihre Wunschzielgruppe ohne Streuverluste erfolgreich erreichen.
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