Successful positioning despite challenging market conditions: Why companies need to invest in brand building now

In an increasingly competitive market situation, companies are faced with the challenge of standing out from the competition and maintaining a good position. It is becoming increasingly important to build a strong digital brand with a sense of public responsibility and to maintain it continuously, as the Munich-based communications consultancy Evernine Group recommends. The Supply Chain Act also contributes to this.
Brand building involves the targeted creation of a strong brand that offers a unique customer experience and clearly differentiates itself from other providers. In good times, it is easier for companies to focus on building and developing their own brand and to dare to try something new. However, given the current market situation, many find it difficult to deploy resources in this area and be bold. Yet digital and modern brand building is the key to success.
“At a time when demand chains are changing fundamentally, a strong brand is the key to success. Companies can only survive on the market with a clear profile and strong positioning,” says Sven Blaukat, Director Strategy Consulting at the Evernine Group.
Contemporary brand-building measures must include the aspects of purpose, transparency, corporate responsibility and trust, as well as involving the company's own employees. Today's customers not only demand optimal products and services from companies. These must also bring demonstrable social benefits and allow identification with the corporate culture - in the best case, they also contribute to sustainability. Those who are not “perfect” here do not have to be at a disadvantage. Transparency and the public honesty to strive for improvements are also ways to create the necessary trust for brands. In this way, they are accepted with trust by their target customers and can build long-lasting business relationships.
In B2B in particular, it is also important to rethink approaches to effective marketing. New buyer groups are increasingly emerging on the market and with them entirely new peer groups. They are now much more interested in the responsible actions of brands when making purchases. After all, buyers need to be aware of issues such as resilience, sustainability and the supply chain rules of the selling company - and must be able to justify the business relationships they have established to their own ranks.
“Today, contemporary brand-building measures must focus on purpose, transparency, corporate responsibility and trust. It's about demonstrable benefits and identification with the corporate culture in order to gain the trust of target customers and build successful business relationships,” says Sven Blaukat, Director Strategy Consulting at the Evernine Group.
Brand ambassadors as a success factor: authenticity in the “war for talent”
To create authenticity, it can also help to use your own employees as brand ambassadors. In the “war for talent”, this is a technique for attracting new candidates with the resulting increased reach and authentic communication of your own values and culture.
However, companies today can only reach their target groups if their own brand is part of a comprehensive communication strategy that includes all channels. Targeted communication and a consistent approach to the target group is ultimately crucial in order to continuously strengthen the brand image. Campaigns should not only focus purely on sales or HR, but should also always include and incorporate the company's own brand in order to anchor the brand in the customer's mind in the long term.
Challenging times call for intelligent solutions. Companies should therefore focus on their brand building right now and invest in this area in order to face current crises with authenticity, trust, transparency and a comprehensive communication strategy and position themselves for long-term success. The Munich-based communications consultancy and full-service agency Evernine Group supports clients on this path with best practices.