Traditional marketing vs. digital marketing - the advantages of a digital focus in 2023

Video content, data analysis and chatbots with AI, social shopping, authenticity and emotions. The trend in customer communication has been moving more and more towards digital for many years now. In this article, you can find out why digital marketing is increasingly setting itself apart from traditional, analog approaches and why digital marketing should be integrated into a company's effective overall strategy.
Digital marketing has become indispensable today. It offers a wide variety of different forms and channels, from social media marketing and content marketing to email marketing and much more. The advantage over traditional marketing is obvious: digital marketing uses electronic devices that are available at all times. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, relies on billboards, radio or television advertising and print media. The likelihood of advertisements reaching their desired target group is therefore much lower in the analog world. After all, nobody has their TV with them on the subway.
In contrast, Germans use their smartphones virtually all the time and everywhere; on average, every German spends up to 177 minutes a day in front of the small screen. Digital campaigns can therefore reach significantly more people. In addition, digital media offer many other advantages compared to traditional analog advertising measures. These include:
1. measurability
Digital ads allow detailed tracking of users. This gives marketers insights into key marketing figures such as user impressions, dwell time, origin, conversion rates and CTRs. This data serves as the basis for personalizing ads and optimizing entire campaigns. This enables companies to achieve significantly higher profits from their marketing measures.
2. lower costs
Companies can reach relevant target groups more efficiently with digital campaigns than with traditional measures. This also results in lower costs. In addition, further expenditure can be saved by reducing or eliminating analog advertising materials such as flyers, banners and posters. Digital campaigns can also be easily stopped, changed and adapted in order to optimize costs and effectiveness.

3. facilitated access
Setting up digital ads via Google Ads, Facebook or other channels is relatively easy. The work is done with just a few clicks on a laptop. Analog ads, on the other hand, require a lot of coordination and administrative effort.
4. targeted approach
Traditional marketing measures in the B2B environment still require personal contact with customers. This effort is no longer necessary with digital marketing. Companies can use various tactics here, such as using content as a preparatory measure in order to subsequently target customers with personalized ads.
5. gain time
All these advantages also save companies time. And time is a valuable commodity, as digital marketing campaigns allow them to reach more potential customers in less time and thus generate more business.
Integrating digital marketing measures into the overall strategy
Despite all the euphoria, the best digital marketing measures will fail to have the desired effect if companies do not have an overall strategy that combines marketing, sales, HR and PR. One example: Influencers are also becoming increasingly important in the B2B environment. After all, purchasing decisions are made by people, and they are most likely to be influenced by people.

The most capable representatives for products and services are the people who produce and offer them themselves. Using their own employees as influencers is therefore an effective way for companies to reach new customers and applicants. At the same time, their own employees credibly stand up for the values of their company and embody their brand to the outside world.
Close cooperation between marketing and HR is therefore necessary in order to use your own employees as ambassadors. Focusing on your own brand is also crucial today in order to survive in competitive markets.
The Munich-based communications consultancy and full-service agency Evernine provides support in all of these areas, the development of an overall strategy, the collaboration of all departments across silo boundaries, the empowerment of employees as influencers (“Digital Me”) and the development of an own brand in the B2B environment. Companies benefit from the comprehensive expertise and unique connected marketing approach as well as efficient communication via “One Voice”. Do you need more information about Evernine's services? Get in touch with us!