Recap Evernine Group Communications Congress 2022 - How to bring purpose to your corporate communications

The Evernine Group, a Munich-based communications consultancy with an associated full-service agency, was an exhibitor, speaker and partner at the 2022 Communications Congress. One major topic dominated the event: in this changing world, companies are increasingly faced with the task of credibly presenting orientation and responsibility in their corporate communications. This also applies to more product-oriented corporate communications. Alexander Roth, CEO of the Evernine Group, provides three ideas on how companies can proceed in order to give their own brand story more purpose vis-à-vis the market, customers and their own employees.
At Evernine Group, we understand purpose to mean presenting a meaningful raison d'être for our own service and brand to customers and employees, but also to applicants and the company's environment. The focus is on bringing more “meaningfulness” to brand communication in HR communication, PR, marketing campaigns and newsrooms & content hubs. In numerous best practices, we have developed best practices for communication managers.
Employees provide the decisive impetus (bottom up)
As a first step, bring together long-serving employees in an internal circle. Ideally, this circle should be made up of employees from all job fields in your company and work with you to identify what makes the company, the brand and your services meaningful and what drives individual colleagues in your opinion. When putting together this team, consider who you perceive to be the most reliable in the working environment, regardless of age or standing. Then develop a theme house with an associated roadmap (with external guidance if necessary) and proceed according to the “Stand for something not for everything” method. In your theme house, define the focus you need for your communication roadmap - for example, more focus on product or brand communication, as appropriate. Values that are irrelevant for the subsequent product communication (if this is your focus) should be neglected. Limit yourself to 4-5 topics. Next, define the associated content, campaigns and channel formats. The majority of the working group, which you have determined, can decide whether you then use gender, for example.
What matters linguistically
No matter whether you want to take your employees or other peer groups with you: There is hardly anyone who has more power on the Internet than the millennials, as they simply have the highest Internet usage (even if they are underrepresented in your company) and are the loudest in the market for this content. Therefore, pay attention to what is important to this generation in your wording and topic plan: authenticity, transparency, honesty, even the courage to be “imperfect”. Example: It is better to “try” to achieve something than to say that you already are. Inconsistency may also be part of this communication strategy. Language can make the difference here: Put away the traditional “boomer” language when it comes to the topics in the Purpose section - common is classic language consisting of nominal constructions, nested sentences or numerous passive sentences, which are not desired here. Because: “Well meant is the opposite of well done”. Define a language guide that you will continue to develop.
Skillful integration into brand marketing (top down)
Whether sustainability, diversity or CSR - no matter what values your company identifies, it is now important to take a strategic approach so that the groundwork and marketing plan are aligned. So change this “bottom-up” roadmap into a “top-down” strategy that does not even stop at the company boilerplate or classic product communication (usually driven by the stakeholders/department heads within the company). Get the support of the management.
Corporate ethics will continue to develop and expand. Set the appropriate processes in motion from the outset. Because the topic of purpose is becoming increasingly important.
If you are looking for support in the area of purpose in connection with your corporate communications, you can contact us at imakeyoudigital@evernine.de. We will be happy to show you best practices in the areas of PR/content and HR.