planeed and Evernine - a strong team for the environment

If you think you can't do anything to save the environment through small actions, planeed is a sustainment app that proves the opposite. The combination of sustainability & entertainment (sustainment) creates a completely new social media experience that uses a 100% community-based approach to show what everyone, and ultimately all of us together, can achieve. The full-service agency Evernine Group, which even acts as a managed planeed partner, actively uses the app together with its own employees and thus makes a contribution to climate protection as a team.
A 2019 study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung shows that environmental protection is by far the most important issue for people in Europe, ahead of job and social security. In Germany, environmental concerns even ranked well above the EU average at 49% to 40%. According to new studies, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation have done little to change this. One reason for this is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have been on the United Nations' 2030 Agenda since 2015 and are intended to contribute to the sustainable development of individual countries. The investment sector in particular has a duty to prioritize sustainability more and support measures financially. Within the EU, there are plans to redirect capital flows towards sustainable investments in order to accelerate the implementation of individual climate targets. It is not only international and national governments that will be required to invest more in sustainability in the future. Companies will also have to rethink and realign their own strategies. This is precisely where the Sustainment App planeed approach can provide initial incentives.
An app against the advancing overshoot

What is worrying, however, is that Earth Overshoot Day has moved ever further forward since 1970, from December 29, to July 28 in 2022. This makes it all the more important to play your part in climate protection through active action, whether as an individual or as a company. planeed has recognized this challenge. planeed is an innovative app and social media platform that combines private and corporate commitment to sustainability and environmental protection with fun and games and rewards them with action points and impact scores. Among other things, the aim is to enable companies to implement sustainability initiatives in an open community network and spread them beyond their own borders in order to create a real positive impact.
One of the Sustainment App's first corporate customers is the Munich-based full-service agency Evernine GmbH. The agency immediately agreed to support the start-up, especially as the co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Bernhard Liebl is a long-standing employee.
The Evernine Group, an innovation and communications consultancy that covers IT & Tech as well as topics such as Lifesciences & Engineering and Sports & Health, also wants to set an example and inspire the entire team to work together to protect the environment and ensure greater sustainability in the agency's day-to-day work. At the same time, Evernine wants to set a good example in order to enter into discussions with its predominantly medium-sized B2B customers.
Sustainability is more than just a new buzzword
After all, it's not just about saving the environment and doing well in environmental, social and governance (ESG) scoring. Sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important driving force in countering the shortage of skilled workers and attracting young talent from the Fridays for Future (FFF) generation, which is now increasingly entering the labor market as the workforce of the future to replace the baby boomers of the 60 plus generation. The Evernine Group also recognizes the potential and, as an innovation consultancy, sees the concept as an enormous opportunity to make a positive contribution to environmental and climate protection.
Two sports stars united in environmental protection

Austrian Liebl (31), who has been with Evernine since January 2019, set up planeed at the beginning of 2022 together with Munich-based sports physician and e-health specialist Dr. Sabri (59) to combine sustainability and entertainment into a sustainment app. Long before that, planeed CEO Sabri had already founded his own company specializing in hospital information systems (HIS) during his medical studies in Munich, Oxford and Harvard. After selling his shares to GE Medical and managing the integration at the US industry giant for two years, the sports physician set up his own business again in 2002 with Alysabri Innovation Consulting, where he continues to advise start-ups in the field of neurobiology, among other things.
The enthusiasm for sport brought the two planeed founders Liebl and Sabri together, but what also united them was the conviction that everyone can do something to stop climate change and save the environment. This is also reflected in the planeed slogan “Every Action Counts”.
According to a planeed video, your own contribution to environmental protection and sustainability starts with very simple things. These include putting a lid on the pot instead of cooking in the open, using a bike instead of a car to get to work and separating waste. The community, where you can also send likes via social media, is constantly coming up with new suggestions on what you can do to protect the environment, people and nature. In the public chat room of the planeed app, you can find similarly simple things such as washing your hands with cold water instead of hot, reusing staple strips and using soy milk instead of cow's milk.
Those who want to do good are never alone
Public and private teams such as “EVG Intern”
After publication, content and channels need to be analyzed based on engagement in the form of likes and comments and optimized if necessary. This content, which is specially adapted to the target group on the basis of direct feedback, can then be republished as a new post, thereby increasing the reach and also raising awareness of the original content.

In addition to the open teams that all users can join in the planeed app, it is also possible to set up non-public private teams, as the Evernine Group has done with “EVG Intern”. After Liebl's internal presentation, many in the Evernine team were so enthusiastic about his idea that they spontaneously downloaded the planeed app to join in the discussion in public and private spaces as well as via SharePoint and make their own suggestions. As Liebl reveals, there are already plans to set up a public team “powered by Evernine” alongside the private space in order to build a strong vertical community and encourage participation.
“As much as we regret that Bernhard, a highly valued colleague, will be working less for Evernine, we are a little proud to be the godfather of such an exciting new company. We are delighted about the new partnership and believe that it will bear rich fruit both vertically and horizontally. We look forward to taking action together with our employees and contributing to environmental protection together,” says Evernine CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) Charlotte von Braunbehrens.
You can find more information about the app here. If you would like to know how you as a company can incorporate the topic of the environment and sustainability into your corporate communications, you can find more information at the following link.