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16. January 2024

PR 2024: New approaches for your corporate communications in the digital age

16. January 2024
evernine editorial team

Companies that continue to rely exclusively on traditional PR are missing out on valuable opportunities. In our article, we therefore present current trends in digital PR that you should definitely not ignore in 2024.

In today's ever-changing business world, the importance of modern PR for a company's success continues to grow. Traditional PR has evolved rapidly in recent years and is now more present than ever in the digital space. In order to be successful in 2024 and stand out from the competition, companies must therefore develop innovative PR strategies and utilise current trends and developments to their advantage! This applies to B2B to the same extent as in the B2C sector.

 Away from classic PR, towards post PR

Modern PR strategies that we develop for our clients as Evernine also use digital channels to reach the desired target groups in a focussed manner and offer the opportunity for direct interaction and engagement. In addition, our post-PR activities, as we call them, are more customisable and allow for more accurate measurement of PR success. You can find our complete PR service portfolio here.


In this blog post, we would therefore like to give you an insight into the new digital channels of PR and show you how you can use them effectively to optimise your PR strategy and generate awareness, new customers and, last but not least, business.

 Merging PR and content marketing: content hubs are the basis

In recent years, content marketing has evolved from a mere buzzword to a crucial element of corporate communication. In 2024, however, it is no longer viewed in isolation but is closely linked to PR. There are many reasons for this development: In a world where users are overwhelmed by a flood of information, they are looking for authentic, relevant and valuable content.

Evernine has already supported several customers in setting up and operating successful content hubs. One example: Digital Chiefs. Image source: Evernine Group.

Storytelling, once the centrepiece of content marketing, is now also becoming the linchpin of PR. It enables brands to tell their stories in a way that arouses emotions, builds trust and ultimately strengthens customer loyalty.

Today, it is essential for companies to convey a coherent and consistent message across all channels.

This message must be carried by content that not only informs, but also inspires. Content hubs play an important role here by serving as a central point of contact for high-quality content and enabling the seamless linking of PR and content marketing. Find out more about our successful content hubs here.

 Micro-influencers and authentic collaborations

Collaboration with influencers will be an essential part of digital PR in 2024. These opinion leaders, also known as thought leaders, often have a loyal following. In digital PR in particular, thought leaders act as influencers who build lasting trust and significantly influence relevant target groups thanks to their expertise, innovative ideas and leading position.

In addition, the integration of B2B influencers expands the spectrum of influencer marketing in digital PR. This allows business customers to be targeted, whether through tech influencers or experts from the financial sector. A successful digital PR strategy is characterised by identifying relevant influencers, building relationships with them and integrating them seamlessly into the overall campaign. With Inspired by Sports and My Business Future, Evernine has long offered suitable platforms and connections in the field of influencer marketing.

 Modern PR - it doesn't work without AI and VR

The future of PR will be shaped by creative content and disruptive technologies, and this is where artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) play a key role. AI enables PR professionals to refine their audience analysis, personalise content and monitor campaign effectiveness in real time.
Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT are revolutionising content marketing and digital PR. Image source: Adobe Stock / Daniel CHETRONI

At the same time, VR gives companies the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of immersive storytelling. It is no longer just about telling stories, but about drawing the target group directly into them. This creates an unrivalled brand experience that goes far beyond conventional media.

ChatGPT is just one example of the integration of AI into the PR world, as it plays a valuable role in creating content and supporting communication strategies. Find out how you can achieve even better results with AI and successfully integrate it into your corporate communications here.

 PR measurement and ROI optimisation with advanced analysis tools

The days when we relied solely on intuition to anticipate success and upcoming trends in PR are a thing of the past. When implementing modern PR strategies, it is crucial to define clear objectives. Work is made much easier if you know exactly what results you want to achieve. It is therefore important to determine metrics and key figures in order to measure success.

In modern PR, there are numerous tools available to help with measurement and evaluation. However, the variety of these tools can be overwhelming. To find the right programme for your PR needs, it's advisable to work with experts like Evernine who understand how the different tools work and what specific insights and analysis they can provide. After all, a data-driven PR strategy is essential these days in order to maximise the success of PR measures and address target groups more effectively. We'll show you how!

 Conclusion: New paths in PR for 2024

The PR landscape will continue to change in 2024, offering exciting new ways for organisations to get their message across and connect with their target audience. From immersive storytelling to AI-powered data analysis and collaboration with micro-influencers, the new digital avenues in PR offer numerous opportunities to optimise your PR strategy and generate business.

At Evernine, we are committed to providing you with the best solutions for your PR challenges in 2024. Our innovative post-PR world services include everything from new formats for your PR to AI-powered targeting and social monitoring strategies. Nevertheless, we do not disregard the traditional PR channels and thus combine the best of both worlds - always customised to your brand and corporate strategy.

We look forward to taking your PR strategy to the next level in 2024 and successfully positioning your company in the digital era. Let's explore new avenues in PR together and realise your full potential. Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us!
Image source: Adobe Stock / Funny Studio

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