KPIs in focus: Your roadmap for sustainable employer brand development

Building a strong employer brand is the most promising strategy for winning over applicants and surviving in the “war for talent”. In this article, we show which KPIs are important and how a strong partner like Evernine supports companies in this.
In 2022, around two million jobs were vacant in Germany. The shortage of skilled workers is therefore becoming increasingly noticeable - and companies are missing out on lucrative business opportunities as a result. The aim must therefore be to attract the few remaining talents on the market. This requires the right strategy, the result of which is the long-term strengthening of your own employer brand. After all, companies can only hold their own in the “war for talent” with a strong employer brand.
Measures in this area are aimed both outwardly, to convince new applicants, and inwardly, to retain and motivate employees. Efforts to build an employer brand naturally also involve investment. Clear KPIs are necessary to measure their success. These are divided into KPIs related to recruiting, KPIs related to employee retention and KPIs for measuring various measures. We present the nine most important ones below.
KPIs with recruiting reference

1. offer acceptance rate
Companies with an attractive employer brand are significantly more successful in recruiting. A strong employer brand virtually attracts new talent, they are more willing to accept an employment contract offered to them and thus ensure a significant increase in the offer acceptance rate.
2. time-to-hire
Time-to-hire describes the time that elapses between the placement of a new job advertisement and the conclusion of an employment contract. The more positively a company is perceived, the greater the interest in working there and the shorter the time-to-hire.
3. cost-per-hire
If companies are present as a strong employer brand, the costs that they have to invest in advertisements and the like for each newly filled position are also reduced. Simple job advertisements via LinkedIn, for example, are often sufficient, eliminating the need for expensive headhunters and reducing the cost-per-hire.
The right strategy is necessary to build a meaningful employer brand. As a communications consultancy and full-service agency, Evernine supports you in this. We work with you to develop successful communication concepts so that you can address your desired talents in a targeted manner and convince them of your company, and show you how to increase the efficiency of your HR marketing.
KPIs related to employee retention
4. employee turnover rate
A strong employer brand is also characterized by its ability to retain employees in the long term. The most important value here is the turnover rate. It is a clear indicator of the satisfaction of the company's own workforce. A low fluctuation rate also helps to reduce investments for vacant positions.
5 Employee satisfaction
The mood of your own employees can also be measured directly. By conducting regular surveys, companies can determine the level of employee satisfaction and use this to gauge the internal perception of their employer brand. The feedback can also be used to derive specific measures to optimize the employer brand.

6. employer evaluation
External platforms such as kununu or reviews on Google also allow conclusions to be drawn about how companies are perceived by their own employees. An attractive employer brand is also rated well by its own workforce, which in turn has an attractive effect on new applicants.
To build a successful employer brand, companies must therefore pay very close attention to their employees, listen to them and, ideally, actively involve them in the development of their HR marketing strategy.
Evernine offers you concrete support and shows you how to reach, motivate and retain your employees with precise communication.
Measure-related KPIs
7. cost-per-click
One of the most important KPIs in online marketing is the cost-per-click rate. The lower the costs required for a click on a job ad, the better the ad is designed and set up. If a company is already known for its strong employer brand, the cost-per-click rate also decreases.
8. reach
The better an employer brand is designed, the more reach new job ads generate. With the right content in social media, the necessary reach can be generated easily and free of charge. And the greater the reach, the more potential talent comes into contact with a company.

9. interaction
If a company also acts as a strong employer brand, the interaction of users in social networks also increases. This in turn increases the reach, talented people get in touch with their potential employer on their own initiative and the likelihood of an application increases.
No one represents your company and your values more authentically to the outside world than your own employees. Involving your own employees in your communication strategy and using them as corporate influencers is therefore also of central importance for the development of your employer brand and the success of your HR marketing.
Support on the way to a strong employer brand
The success of measures to strengthen the employer brand can be measured. The necessary KPIs provide information on which activities have an impact in the short term, such as the cost-per-hire, as well as in the long term, such as the fluctuation rate, and where improvements are necessary.
This gives you the data you need to adapt your employer branding strategy and take the right steps for you. Evernine accompanies you as a strong partner on your way to a successful employer brand. Get in touch with us!