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05. March 2024

AI tools in marketing: How technology is changing the market

05. March 2024
evernine editorial team

Customised, target group-oriented communication dominates modern marketing. As an award-winning Munich-based communications consultancy and full-service agency, Evernine has perfected this practice. By integrating advanced AI tools such as ChatGPT, Adobe Firefly and others, Evernine continues to optimise account-based marketing (ABM) services to better meet the specific needs of B2B clients.

The generational differences in communication, particularly between Generation Z and the baby boomers, show the need for a differentiated approach. While the informal ‘you’ predominates in social media, it can seem out of place in more traditional advertising formats. These distinctions are also reflected in the use of different social media by different age groups, which is crucial for targeted marketing communication.

 Challenges and opportunities of AI-generated content

The challenges and opportunities offered by AI-generated texts are evident. Evernine uses generative artificial intelligence to create content that is not only linguistically but also content-wise customised to the target group. Evernine attaches great importance to careful quality control in order to avoid misinformation and inaccuracies. After all, the AI's answers or content are only as good as the questions or tasks (prompts) in the input bar.

Adobe Firefly uses AI to enable the quick and easy creation of design elements. However, human expertise is required for targeted use. Image source: Adobe Stock / Ruggiero Scardigno.

The customisation of ChatGPT using custom instructions and custom GPTs enables even more specific and targeted content creation, as this article shows. These customisations make it possible to tailor the AI-generated output precisely to the needs and context of the target group. The knowledge required for this continues to come from the human content professionals at Evernine.
In addition to ChatGPT for the creation of texts, Adobe Firefly, as part of the product world of Adobe's Creative Cloud, now enables the efficient and target group-optimised creation of design elements and visual worlds.

Evernine uses the intelligent tool, coupled with its experience and expertise as a full-service agency, to generate more reach for clients and successfully realise design goals, as this article shows.

 Other proven AI-supported marketing tools used by Evernine

AdCreative.ai is one of the most widely used AI tools for advertising, which delivers data-driven optimal results and is said to increase conversion rates by up to 14 per cent. 95 per cent of users report an improvement in their click rates in the first month. The tool, which is used by Amazon, Microsoft, Siemens and Adidas, among others, supports the creation of images and videos, texts, headlines and posts in social networks. It can also track the results or insights and compare them with those of the respective competitors.

MoEngage increases engagement with AI-supported insights, but it can also test omnichannel journeys to automatically find the path with the highest conversion. It also optimises click-through rates by sending the right message at the right time and identifies and reaches suitable target groups based on data (targeting) by personalising messaging and optimising it based on previous interactions. Customers include Citibank and Telekom.


Anyword analyses content published on social media and provides insights into which content works best on which platform and under which conditions. The tool also creates corresponding forecasts based on previous performance values. In addition, Anyword can also adapt content to the desired ‘tone of voice’ and segment and personalise target groups based on data in order to create targeted, engagement-optimised social media texts. Customers include big names such as Amazon, Sony and Informa.

2024 is the year of AI!

The focus of these and other AI tools is often on the aforementioned personalisation and the creation of individual customer experiences and customer journeys, i.e. worlds of experience that are tailored to the respective customer or target group. 2024 is the year in which many companies will begin to recognise these benefits and make productive use of ChatGPT and other advanced AI tools.

It is crucial for success to maintain high quality standards in order to ensure the necessary acceptance. AI harbours enormous savings potential, but misguided applications can be expensive. That's why companies need to rely on best practices and experienced partners like Evernine to succeed in the world of AI-based corporate communications. Evernine works hand-in-hand with clients to develop and implement customised digital communication strategies. Contact us to find out more.

Picture source: Adobe Stock / death_rip

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