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21. March 2024

HR expertise with bronze status: How Evernine supports companies comprehensively in recruiting and HR marketing beyond intelligent tools such as Personio

21. March 2024
evernine editorial team

Modern HR management requires innovative digital solutions and a holistic strategy. As an official partner of Personio, Evernine supports the implementation of the powerful HR tool and also provides comprehensive support in the areas of HR marketing and communication in order to professionally meet current and future challenges in HR management.

The ongoing shortage of skilled labour poses considerable challenges for companies of all sizes and in all sectors. It is therefore crucial for them to conduct effective HR marketing and place their own employees at the centre of their corporate strategy. This requires a holistic view of the employer brand that is not limited to individual recruiting campaigns, but also keeps an eye on the internal impact of a strong employer brand as part of a comprehensive communication strategy.

Today, companies can rely on powerful HR tools such as Personio to professionally meet current and future challenges in human resources. In order to fully benefit from all of Personio's functions and also to build up and successfully position their own employer brand beyond implementation, companies rely on experienced partners such as Evernine. The multi-award-winning communications consultancy and full-service agency from Munich supports companies with extensive HR marketing services from a single source.

Evernine and Personio - working together for a strong employer brand

Personio is a versatile, cloud-based HR software specifically designed to optimise and digitalise the HR processes of small and medium-sized companies. From recruitment and onboarding to payroll and time recording, Personio offers an all-in-one solution that simplifies administrative HR tasks and allows HR managers to focus on promoting and developing talent.

As a bronze-certified partner of Personio, Evernine supports companies holistically - before, during and after the introduction of the advanced HR software. Evernine offers strategic workshops as well as operational support and ensures the smooth integration of Personio into all company processes in order to fully utilise the tool's diverse functions and benefits. In addition, Evernine supports companies in the areas of HR marketing and communication through campaigns and other comprehensive services.


When implementing Personio, Evernine follows a proven approach to success:

Step 1: Evernine introduces companies to Personio and shows them the possibilities and functions of the HR software. The experienced HR experts explain what exactly is involved in the introduction of Personio and use best practices to explain what companies can expect from the tool.

Step 2: Evernine works with client companies to identify which of the various Personio functions and modules make sense. The consultation regarding the various options takes into account the individual values and goals of the companies.

Step 3: Following the initial assessment, Evernine then provides support with the technical implementation of the Personio HR software. Employees are trained to use the tool correctly and actively supported in setting up suitable workflows to integrate Personio efficiently into existing HR processes.

Evernine recommends a two-part workshop phase for this purpose:

Workshop 1 – Assessment:

  • General introduction to the HR software Personio
  • Presentation of the various functions & modules
  • Assessment of individual requirements
  • Introduction of best practices and use cases
  • Further details by arrangement

Workshop 2 - Strategy & Enablement:

  • Strategic support in module selection according to the needs of the company
  • Identification and definition of user roles
  • Definition and implementation of workflows and processes
  • Enablement of employees
  • Consultancy based on comparable projects

‘I am delighted that we at Evernine have been able to expand our partnership with Personio and are now a proud certified bronze partner. We are supporting an increasing number of client companies in the successful introduction of HR software, in the strategic optimisation of HR workflows and processes and thus also in strengthening their employer brand,’ says Charlotte von Braunbehrens, CHRO & Senior Communications Manager at Evernine.

‘In doing so, we address the individual HR-related needs of our customers in a concrete and project-related manner - and also support them far beyond Personio with versatile HR marketing services as part of a holistic communication strategy.’

Charlotte von Braunbehrens, CHRO & Senior Communications Manager of the Evernine Group. Image source: Evernine Group.

The HR experts at Evernine will be happy to provide further information and arrange a non-binding meeting. Contact us

Source cover picture: Evernine Group

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