Evernine achieves further growth of 20 percent in 2022 - and focuses on the human factor in comms management

In the past financial year 2022, the Munich-based communications consultancy and full-service agency Evernine Group achieved growth of over 20 percent for the third year in a row. For 2023, the focus is now on the human factor and the integration of data and MarTech into successful corporate communication as well as efficiency increases along the entire value chain thanks to tailor-made communication networking.
The Evernine Group thus feels vindicated in its strategy of positioning itself disruptively on the agency market via the one-voice approach. Founded in 2013, the group of companies supports companies in making their communication digital, networked, agile and cost-efficient and offers holistic services for digital transformation. The focus for the 2023 financial year is now on the human factor, which the company sees as increasingly indispensable for the success of the urgently needed digitalization of strategic communication - from recruiting (“War For Talent”) to coherent integration into the agile organization (“Digital Me”).
Evernine with a unique masterclass approach
Evernine 2022 achieved particular success with its unique masterclass approach. In the modules of the program, the award-winning full-service agency organizes the most important processes such as the networking of sales, marketing, PR and HR in order to make the entire value chain along the customer and employer journey (cost) more efficient.
Starting with the mindset of your own team and the understanding of digital “selling” (both of yourself and of the corresponding product/service), through to the use of digital data technology, everything is put to the test and the associated agenda.

Double-digit sales growth in the last 6 years
In the past financial year, the Evernine Group achieved sales growth of over 20 percent and has thus been in the double-digit range for six years in a row. In total, the Group's turnover now amounts to over 3.35 million euros. The consulting business's share of total sales grew to around 25 percent. The portfolio areas of HR marketing and brand and agency services also recorded considerable success. Strong growth was generated in particular by the innovative “Digital Me” approach. The aim of Digital Me is to put people at the centre of digitalization and to accompany them on the path to finding their individual digital identity through motivation, encouragement and the necessary know-how.
The aim is to align personal and career goals with corporate goals. Customers have shown great interest in this approach and the associated advice provided by Evernine in order to be able to respond to current market challenges in the best possible way.
Circle Tour & NineBrackets as important group members
The other members of the group of companies also recorded major growth successes overall. The digital agency and Evernine subsidiary Nine Brackets, for example, impressed with its wide range of individual web applications, marketing automation solutions and digital tools. The Circle Tour, the Evernine Group's digital event & CX format in the high-level segment, as well as the publishing houses MBF Media and IBS Publishing, which offer campaigns and marketing for companies in various B2B and B2C sectors, also made a significant contribution to the Evernine Group's continued positive development, each with a large increase in revenue.

The other members of the group of companies also recorded major growth successes overall. The digital agency and Evernine subsidiary Nine Brackets, for example, impressed with its wide range of individual web applications, marketing automation solutions and digital tools. The Circle Tour, the Evernine Group's digital event & CX format in the high-level segment, as well as the publishing houses MBF Media and IBS Publishing, which offer campaigns and marketing for companies in various B2B and B2C sectors, also made a significant contribution to the Evernine Group's continued positive development, each with a large increase in revenue.
“We are delighted that our unique one-voice approach continues to be so well received on the market. This confirms our strategy as a communications consultancy with an associated full-service agency that offers its clients comprehensive expertise in all areas of digital marketing.” Alexander Roth, CEO and co-founder of the Evernine Group.
Focus for 2023: the human factor
In order to remain successfully ahead of the market, the Evernine Group is now focusing even more clearly than before on the human factor, both within the company and as part of the services provided.

Evernine is convinced that the “war for talent” is crucial for the digitalization of highly competitive industries - both for its own brand and for client companies. Evernine itself has therefore initiated developments on several levels in order to retain employees in the company and promote them individually. The aim is to achieve professional agility that also enables employees to adapt their own career paths over time and integrate them into the corporate architecture in an agile manner.
The focus of the in-house programs is on corporate social responsibility, which includes topics such as corporate responsibility, sustainability and the promotion of family and career, including within the framework of flexible working models. The associated internal and external corporate communication plays an important role here: for example, as part of Evernine's Digital Me approach, which enables employees to advance their own careers digitally, for example in social media as part of ambassador programs, also thanks to professional communication and network building.
Do good and talk about it: Particular emphasis is placed on external sustainability communication, which will become increasingly important in the market in general and therefore also in Evernine's portfolio over the next few years under the term brand loyalty marketing.
“For us, One Voice means that we also promote our employees through targeted brand and HR strategies and enable them to represent Evernine with a strong voice. The success of this approach can also be seen by our customers, who benefit from One Voice and have a strong demand for our model in a challenging market.” Charlotte von Braunbehrens, CHRO and Senior Communications Manager of the Evernine Group.
Data and MarTech as important parts of corporate communication
In the coming years, the most important parts of corporate communication will be completely digitalized. The various AI and MarTech services for planning, implementing and measuring campaigns and marketing activities, such as CRM systems, email marketing tools and social media marketing solutions, will therefore become increasingly important. New technologies such as artificial intelligence will increasingly deliver added value, including in the area of personalization. However, one factor is crucial: the people that companies need to take with them on their journey! At the moment, many companies are unintentionally forgetting their employees due to top-down strategies being pushed through. The aim must be to involve everyone, to take their skills and interests into account and thus to retain them in the company and inspire them to join us on our journey into the digital future.

Companies can achieve this by listening to their employees, communicating openly, giving them responsibility and empowering them to provide the decisive impetus themselves. To achieve this, it is necessary to break up team structures, rethink them completely and adopt an agile approach. In this way, companies achieve greater effectiveness, people loyalty and agility.
“We are convinced that our one-voice approach will also enable us to respond to market developments in an agile and scalable manner in the coming years. Our customers recognize that Evernine's focus on the human factor and digital me is the right partner for their digital transformation and will continue to inspire them with innovative ideas in the future.” Hannes Beierlein, CSO and Co-Founder of the Evernine Group.
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