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24. January 2024

Meeting place for marketing managers and content professionals: the VERBA-X Content Marketing Convention 2024 in Munich

24. January 2024
evernine editorial team

Learning, networking, inspiration - these are the keywords that best sum up the VERBA-X Content Marketing Convention, which will take place in Munich on 23 and 24 April 2024. Spread over two days, keynote speeches, interviews, workshops and spontaneous discussions will focus on how digital content marketing is addressing current trends and developments and successfully positioning itself for the future. Find out what you can expect at VERBA-X in detail, which topics will take centre stage and which top speakers will share their insights and experiences with you.

Profound changes are currently taking place in the content and digital marketing sector and are massively reshaping the market as we know it. Generative AI enables the simple, fast and cost-effective creation of content, social media and interactive platforms lead to a previously unattainable proximity to the customer, forcing brands to adopt more authentic, personalised and customer-oriented approaches, while at the same time tighter budgets demand a new level of effectiveness in marketing.

These developments and major trends open up new opportunities for brands, but at the same time require constant adaptation and innovation in order to remain competitive. What matters is a targeted strategy and, above all, quality in content marketing in order to remain visible in the face of an ever-growing mass of irrelevant content.

On 23 and 24 April 2024 in Munich, VERBA-X will offer marketing managers and those interested in the industry exciting insights and best practices on precisely these topics and challenges. In addition to the optional workshops on the first day and the presentations by various top speakers, which provide important information for an optimal operational and strategic orientation, participants will have various opportunities to expand their network and exchange ideas with industry experts. Be there live and secure your ticket for VERBA-X 2024 now!

 The programme priorities of VERBA-X 2024

The VERBA-X programme includes a range of exciting and innovative topics. One focus, for example, is on the scalability of content strategies. Workshops and speaker sessions will shed light on how companies can effectively expand their content strategies and adapt them to different markets and target groups.

Last year, Evernine CEO Alexander Roth and Luciano Lykkebo were on stage together at the CMC. Image source: Evernine.

Another focus is on the topic of AI in marketing. Here, the experts will look at how artificial intelligence is revolutionising marketing, from automated processes to content creation.

They offer a deep insight into the future of digital marketing and how companies are using the latest technologies to gain a competitive edge and achieve long-term success in the market.

The topic of the importance of empathy in content marketing is also on the VERBA-X agenda. Here, the discussion centres on how important it is to build an emotional connection with the target group at a time when consumers are looking for authentic and meaningful brand interactions in order to strengthen brand loyalty in the long term through empathetic content.

 The VERBA-X 2024 speaker line-up

The heart and highlight of VERBA-X are the numerous top speakers from various industry sectors, who will delve into the main topics of the Content Marketing Convention in their speeches and interviews and share their experience and expertise with visitors. These include


  • Carolin Schmitz, Content Marketing Managerin of Salesforce

Extensive experience from 15 years in various areas of content marketing characterises Carolin Schmitz as an expert. In her current role at Salesforce, she focuses on SEO and content marketing, transforming complex tech topics into powerful content, taking into account various buyer and stakeholder requirements.


  • Steffen Henke, Head of Digital & Employee Communications of DHL

Steffen Henke is responsible for Group-wide internal communication as well as social media and digital content marketing. Together with his experience from previous positions at well-known companies, he therefore has broad expertise in the area of content marketing.


  • Liam Carpenter, Content Creator

Liam Carpenter became famous with his humorous videos about the culture shock he experiences every day in Germany as a native Brit. Today, he is one of the biggest stars on the scene and inspires over four million followers on TikTok and Instagram with his content. He knows how to effectively reach broad target groups with a constant stream of new content ideas, up-to-date storytelling and humour.


  • Alexander Roth, CEO & Co-Founder of Evernine Group

As Managing Director of the multi-award-winning and rapidly growing communications consultancy and full-service agency Evernine Group from Munich, Alexander Roth is an expert in the field of digital content marketing. His aim is to make corporate communication effective, networked and digital in times of AI and far-reaching market changes. He shows what possibilities GenAI already has in marketing today, what exciting developments are still to come and how the interaction between companies and agencies is changing.


  • Claudia Beauchamp, Online Marketing Trainerin of eMBIS academy for Online Marketing

Claudia Beauchamp has over 20 years of practical experience and knowledge in online content marketing. She is one of the pioneers in this field and passes on her strategic experience as an author, consultant and trainer.


And many more!

 Come to the VERBA-X 2024!

In the rapidly changing world of content marketing, orientation, input and inspiration as well as the exchange with experienced industry experts and colleagues is essential to keep pace with the changes and to be successful in the long term.  

Alexander Roth, CEO of Evernine. Image source: Evernine.

VERBA-X 2024 offers the perfect opportunity to learn about the latest content marketing trends, build operational and strategic expertise and expand your own network.

‘We are currently experiencing a radical change in content marketing: AI tools such as ChatGPT now make it possible to create content in the shortest possible time and without the need for large amounts of resources. At this time, it is particularly important to set the right strategic course and focus operationally on high-quality content in order to stand out from the crowd with your own content,’ says Alexander Roth, CEO & Co-Founder of the Evernine Group.
‘At VERBA-X 2024, renowned experts from the industry will come together to share their innovative approaches and actively shape the future of content marketing together with visitors.’

Luciano Lykkebo, host of the VERBA-X Content Marketing Convention 2024: Luciano Lykkebo.

‘I am looking forward to discussing the current trends and challenges in the field of content marketing with our top speakers and all VERBA-X participants,’ says Luciano Lykkebo, host of VERBA-X.

‘The different formats on the two days of our convention and the diverse perspectives and horizons of experience of our top speakers promise interesting insights, fruitful dialogue and inspiring ideas for the future of content marketing.’
As partners and organisers of VERBA-X, the eMBIS Academy for Online Marketing, Evernine Group, Westwerk Events and VERBA Translation are looking forward to numerous visitors and two inspiring days in Munich!

Further information about the VERBA-X Content Marketing Convention 2024 in Munich, the programme, all participating speakers and tickets can be found here. There is a separate ticket contingent for journalists. If you have any further questions, please contact the VERBA-X event manager, Luciano Lykkebo, at LL@cmc-munich.com.

Image source: Evernine.

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