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26. March 2024

A head start through knowledge: The redesigned MC25 Academy from Evernine

26. March 2024
evernine editorial team

A place for knowledge transfer, sharing experiences and best practices as well as getting to know working with an agency up close - all this is offered by Evernine's redesigned MC25 Academy. In this article, you can find out which highly topical subject areas the webinars, workshops etc. are now focussing on.

Standing still means going backwards - there are few industries where this principle applies as much as in marketing. Proven processes, formats and channels that still achieve good results today will be outdated tomorrow and disappear completely the day after tomorrow at the latest. Digitalisation has accelerated this development even further and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, tools based on it and the metaverse are forcing everyone, especially in marketing, to stay on the ball in order to keep an eye on trends and developments, use them correctly and be successful.

As an award-winning communications consultancy and full-service agency, Evernine's guiding principle is ‘lifelong learning’. This is not only the claim of our own employees, but should also benefit external interested parties from marketing and other areas.


Together with partners, Evernine therefore shares know-how, implementation expertise and experience from numerous customer projects in webinars, seminars, workshops, podcasts and many other formats in the form of its own Academy.


The various formats of Evernine's redesigned MC25 Academy provide exciting insights into modern digital marketing. Image source: Evernine Group.

 The thematic focus of the redesigned MC25 Academy

Evernine has systematically developed and reorganised its Academy in response to the current rapid market and technological developments. The main focus is now on AI, modern sales strategies in the digital age and the use of intelligent tools:


AI: The game changer in marketing

Artificial intelligence has established itself as an indispensable element in the world of marketing. In the webinars on the strategic and operational use of AI, interested parties delve deep into the world of AI-supported marketing. For example, you will learn how AI is used in campaigns to personalise the customer approach, optimise processes and make data-based decisions.


Sales in the digital age: Social Selling & Digital Me

In webinars on ‘Social Selling & Digital Me’, the MC25 Academy shows how marketing managers, but actually every employee in companies, can use social media to target decision-makers and get more out of digital marketing leads. Skills that are crucial today to remain competitive in the digital age.


Marketing & HR automation: the right use of innovative tools  

The Marketing & HR Automation webinars reveal how companies can optimise their existing systems by using innovative tools and introducing new, digital processes. As a certified partner, Evernine provides insights into the capabilities, functionalities and successful implementation of HubSpot, Personio and more.

Successfully entering the future of marketing with Evernine

Evernine's Academy is aimed specifically at corporate marketing managers and other interested parties. On the one hand, the aim is to impart knowledge and pass on experience from numerous successful customer projects. On the other hand, they have the exclusive opportunity to familiarise themselves with working with a full-service agency and the associated processes. Participants can also send questions to Evernine in advance.

Alexander Roth, CEO & Co-Founder of Evernine Group. Picture source: Evernine Group.

‘The more than 2,000 registrations for our MC25 Academy make us proud and show that there is a great need for knowledge and further training in the dynamic marketing world. After all, digital transformation and new technologies such as AI do not wait, but reward those who deal with new trends in good time, acquire knowledge and become active themselves,’ says Alexander Roth, CEO & Co-Founder of the Evernine Group.
„Wir wollen den Vorreiter:innen des modernen Marketings die dafür notwendige Plattform für Austausch und Innovation bieten. Denn die Zukunft gehört denjenigen, die bereit sind, zu lernen, sich anzupassen und mutig neue Wege zu beschreiten!“

All information on the content and formats of the Evernine MC25 Academy can be found here. Would you like to start your digital marketing project directly with Evernine? Get in touch with us

Source cover picture: Evernine Group

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