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22. February 2024

From retro art to minimalism: these are the 5 most important design trends for 2024

22. February 2024
evernine editorial team

In addition to the AI hype, numerous visual trends will also dominate design in 2024. Evernine and its creative department present the most important ones in this article.

Anyone talking about trends for 2024 cannot avoid one topic, regardless of the industry: artificial intelligence. This is especially true in the design sector. After all, following the groundbreaking release of OpenAI's ChatGPT, it was primarily AI-supported image generators such as Midjourney and Dall-E that familiarized the general public with AI tools.

Today, additional programs such as Adobe Firefly, which generates images and design elements based on the extensive image material from Adobe Stock, demonstrate the possibilities that technology already offers. In this article, Evernine shows why agencies and their creative teams will still be urgently needed in the future.

 The visual design trends of 2024 beyond AI

AI offers advantages in other areas besides direct image generation. It can take over traditional machine tasks and carry out extensive work in a short space of time that would be too strenuous or time-consuming for humans. For example, it can design a product in different variants. This allows branding to be adapted to different target groups or products to be customized for individual customers.

Despite all these advances, AI is still in the early stages of design. The technology cannot generate truly new and creative content. This still requires experienced and creative designers, such as the team from Evernine's creative department. They have looked at the design trends for 2024 and collected the most important ones in this article.

 Trend 1: Pixel design in retro style

Pixel art developed from the beginnings of the video game genre in the 1970s. Back then, computers were simply unable to display high-resolution designs, so images were depicted in small pixels. This gave rise to a very unique aesthetic that combines nostalgia and modernity. Today, pixel design integrates pixel art and retro elements into contemporary designs, making it one of the trends of 2024.

The pixel design trend combines nostalgia with modernity through the retro pixel art of the 1970s and creates a very unique aesthetic. Image source: Evernine.

Trend 2: 3D-Design

3D design has been very popular for years. The three-dimensional elements create depth and enable the spatial representation of graphics and other content.

This trend will continue in 2024, which is also linked to the new technical possibilities of tools such as Adobe Illustrator. These now make it easy to create 3D designs without the need for special skills or software.

New technical possibilities facilitate the use of 3D design. Image source: Evernine.

Trend 3: Patterns inspired by nature

Appreciation for nature, environmental awareness and sustainability - these approaches are also reflected in design in 2024. Organic shapes, colors and patterns inspired by nature find their way into various design elements, from furniture to websites. In particular, natural elements such as plants and different shades of green connect the digital world with the real environment and create a harmonious impression.

Shapes and colors inspired by nature are all the rage in 2024. Image source: Evernine.

Trend 4: More Minimalism

The More Minimalism trend is basically the exact opposite of the more opulent 3D design trend. It is characterized by the continuation of minimalism with an even stronger focus on simple shapes and patterns.

Designs are completely reduced to their basic elements and their functionality is the main focus. This enables clear and direct communication of the design with the target group and stands out clearly in a cluttered world.

The More Minimalist trend is the opposite of the opulent 3D design. Image source: Evernine.

Trend 5: Abstract geometry

This latest 2024 design trend is also about simple and clear structures. Abstract geometric shapes and figures are, of course, nothing new in the visual arts and design. Pioneers such as Wassily Kandinsky and others from the Bauhaus style established this form of representation in the early 20th century. Today, abstract geometry gives websites and other design content an expressive and modern look.

Inspired by artists such as Kandinsky, abstract geometric shapes find their way into design in 2024. Image source: Evernine.
These visual trends will dominate design in 2024. Do you want to implement one of the trends directly on your website or are you planning a refresh of your brand? Evernine and our creative department will be happy to support you!
Image source: Adobe Stock / Rawpixel.com.

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