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20. February 2024

Corporate social responsibility requires action!

20. February 2024
evernine editorial team

Sustainability, diversity, social responsibility - these topics are becoming increasingly important across all industries. In fact, there hardly seems to be a company left that has not discovered corporate social responsibility (CSR) for itself. CSR requires concrete action and the right communication. Evernine and planeed show how this works.

The shortage of labor and skilled workers is one of the biggest challenges of our time, despite the AI hype and tight market situation. Many companies are therefore increasingly desperate to find new talent.

But it is particularly important for the young people of the next generation to know how their current or future employers are dealing with the issues that concern them: Environmental protection, diversity and equal rights, working from home, flexible working hours and a healthy work-life balance.

 CSR is much more than “just” sustainability

This and much more is included in the criteria for “good” corporate social responsibility (CSR). The huge market demand for these topics even surprised planeed, a platform that allows people to quickly and easily take action themselves through so-called “action points”. This is because the app used to focus on the environment and sustainability.

The users themselves have also submitted suggestions, ideas and actions in the areas of social issues and diversity. planeed has therefore now expanded its portfolio to include the entire range of CSR-relevant topics in the platform in order to cover the entire spectrum of corporate responsibility. The “actions-first” approach still applies, which means that companies and their employees must be measured by their actions. You can find out more here.

 First do good and then talk about it

In the area of sustainability, this means, for example, that employees themselves in companies are starting to actively save paper and water and thus minimize the consumption of resources.

Even business trips can often be avoided today. Switching to sustainably generated electricity also helps to protect our planet.

The expansion of the Action Points in the direction of the social area can then include internal support for “Equal Pay for Equal Work”, flexible working time models or donations for social institutions and projects.

Externally, companies and their employees can pay attention to suppliers within their supply chains and carefully select service providers in order to actively promote CSR issues throughout the market.

The expansion of the portfolio by planeed now also includes action points from the CSR sector. Image source: planeed.

 Make all stakeholders your own CSR ambassadors

Companies can then use the planeed app to emphasize their CSR efforts and reward themselves for their previous achievements in terms of environmental and social responsibility. This is because the app connects with social media and thus speaks the same language as the target groups, especially those of generations Y and Z, who use LinkedIn, Instagram and the like a lot and are increasingly calling the shots in companies. Or as planeed puts it: “optimize and social-medialize your CSR report”.

 The “actions-first” approach and planeed's scoring allow you to involve all stakeholders in your communication via the relevant CSR interaction formats. Your commitment in the various CSR areas can therefore be easily checked and thus gains significant credibility.

Coupled with Evernine's services and experience as a managed planeed partner and communications consultancy with an associated full-service agency, planeed enables companies to take their CSR communication to a new level. Find out more about the collaboration between Evernine and planeed here.

 Take your CSR communication to a new level with Evernine and planeed!

“The main reason for expanding our portfolio towards CSR was the strong market demand, as consumers, investors, employees and future talents are increasingly interested in socially responsible business practices and not just sustainability,” says Bernhard Liebl, Co-Founder & CMO of planeed.

Bernhard Liebl, Co-Founder & CMO of planeed. Image source: Evernine Group.

“And even in the broader area of CSR, we see the best form of corporate communication in actually taking action!”

All CSR activities can be converted into Action Points via planeed so that they can be shared with the community in real time. The planeed app also offers the option of including specific locations in your own Action Points via QR codes in order to motivate others to get involved or take responsibility at the same location.

Do you have further questions or would you like to start your own CSR communication project directly with Evernine and planeed? Please contact us!

Image source: Adobe Stock / Rawpixel.com.

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not about your products

Ihr Schlüssel zur erfolgreichen Nachhaltigkeit- und CSR-Kommunikation mit Evernine und planeed.

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