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23. November 2023

Brand loyalty as an opportunity in times of crisis

23. November 2023
evernine editorial team

Companies need to attract new customers right now in order to be successful - or do they? Statistics show that investing in the loyalty of your existing customers is more worthwhile in the current times of crisis. In this guide, Evernine shows you how!

According to statistics, acquiring new customers costs companies five to 25 times as much as retaining existing customers! Existing customers also spend over 30 percent more on products and services than new customers. Two thirds of all customers are prepared to look for a new provider at any time if their trust is broken.

Amazing figures, aren't they? If you now consider these facts against the backdrop of the current market situation, a clear picture emerges: especially in times of crisis, companies must do everything they can to retain their existing customers in the long term with suitable measures!

Brand loyalty is the key to success

Increasing brand loyalty in the B2B sector requires a strategic approach, as business relationships are often based on long-term partnerships and trust.

In a quick guide, Evernine shows you how to sustainably build trust in your brand through the right content, designs and customer journeys and thus generate more business. Download it here!

In addition, based on our experience from numerous successfully completed projects, we have identified five concrete ways in which you can increase your customers' loyalty to your company and your brands and products:

  • Outstanding customer service

    Provide first-class customer service that goes above and beyond expectations. Fast response times, expert support and customized solutions for your customers' needs help build strong and lasting loyalty.

    This requires detailed information about your customers, which you can evaluate using a central CRM tool and use to manage your communication. Evernine relies on a data-based, integrative approach that combines all activities technologically.

  • Personalized communication:

    Use data and information about your customers to address them in a personalized way. Send targeted content that is tailored to the specific needs and interests of your customers. This can include email marketing, tailored offers or special events.

    An intelligent CRM tool such as Hubspot also supports you here. Evernine uses this comprehensive solution to clearly orchestrate various measures, from marketing to lead generation to digital sales. You can find out more in our factsheet on the topic.

  • Continuous training and support:

    Offer your customers ongoing training and support, for example via webinars on new products or technologies, to ensure that your customers are always up to date. Well-informed customers are more likely to remain loyal in the long term.

    With the Marketing Class of 23 Academy, Evernine has a very successful internal best practice in this area. With our popular webinar series, we keep in touch with our customers, provide exciting insights and share our know-how. See for yourself!

  • Cooperation and partnership:

    Make sure your business relationship is more than just a transaction. Work actively with your customers to understand their goals and achieve mutual success. The more your customers feel that you are central to their success, the stronger their loyalty to you will be.

    As an experienced communications consultancy, Evernine can also support you in this area and show you how to engage your customers through suitable measures and targeted campaigns. Talk to us!

  • Consistent brand experience:

    Ensure a consistent brand experience across all points of interaction. From initial contact to aftercare, the perception of your brand should be uniform and reliable. This creates trust and strengthens the bond between your company and your customers.

Excellent customer service contributes to strong customer loyalty to companies. Image source: Adobe Stock / Matthew Cerff/peopleimages.com

In this article, we have summarized why you need to invest in your brand building right now, what you need to consider and how Evernine can support you.

Remember that continuously analyzing customer feedback and adapting your strategies to the changing needs of your customers is crucial to maintaining brand loyalty in the long term.

And there's something else you should keep in mind: Satisfied existing customers are the best marketing you could wish for. After all, more than half of all customers recommend trusted brands to others, and over 90 percent are influenced by the positive experiences of others when choosing a new provider!

Loyal customers - an invaluable asset!

Investing in your existing customers pays off in every respect: They ensure increased sales, it is cheaper to retain them than to acquire new customers, and they ensure a positive brand image through recommendations, without any additional marketing expenditure.

Satisfied existing customers are therefore worth their weight in gold, especially in times of crisis. Do you have further questions on this topic or more? Get in touch with us!

Source cover image: Adobe Stock / cacaroot

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