3 reasons why lead generation doesn't work

For a long time, lead generation was considered THE measure of all things when it came to marketing success. And many marketing managers will continue to hold this opinion. But the market has changed, and faster than many companies (were able to) react. We show you the three big mistakes marketers make when it comes to lead generation, how you can avoid them and which new approach will lead to success.
Three new approaches: How to make your digital campaigns a success!
When it comes to lead generation, one of the most important goals of many marketing managers (85% according to the Content Marketing Institute), opinions are divided: on the one hand, it is an established KPI that is considered the hard currency for the success of marketing strategies and activities; on the other hand, disappointment is often inevitable. Two thirds of marketers describe lead gen as problematic, while only just under a fifth believe that outbound lead activities lead to valuable leads (sources: Apsis/Hubspot). Despite all this, marketing expenditure in this area is at a comparatively high level.
The Evernine Group has been observing developments in the market for over ten years and has thus been able to gain important insights. A holistic approach is required to implement successful digital lead generation campaigns. This is mainly due to the fact that the digital advertising market has exploded in the meantime. It has never been so easy to obtain provider information and make comparisons about products and services. This creates an enormous competitive environment. The diverse possibilities of communication on the web are therefore both a blessing and a curse.
Factors that lead to failure
One of the biggest misconceptions could be described as the fact that increased pressure in marketing may not produce diamonds after all. If the pressure to generate business is so high that people only act tactically and out of necessity, this is at the expense of the strategic and operational preparation of campaigns. Database providers, publishers and agencies often fuel the hope that lead generation can be achieved very easily, quickly and cheaply. Sven Blaukat, Strategic Director of Evernine, has a clear opinion on this: ‘Anyone dreaming of a digital “lead-gen machine” must realise that this is not possible through quick, tactical measures. The creation of brand trust, an excellent analysis of the customer journey and time for test & optimise are basic prerequisites for business success’.
Brand trust is not ‘old school’
In uncertain times, brand perception is more important than ever. It's not just about a modern company logo, but about creating trust and customer loyalty. Attributes such as purpose, language and sustainability are now part of standard communication. Sustainability not only means taking into account the important issue of climate protection, but also economic efficiency over longer periods of time. A brand must create customer experiences in order to keep up with customer expectations. Brand trust can be created, for example, particularly in B2B communication by conveying expertise and brand ambassadors. Storytelling and a network of brand ambassadors is not an optional extra, but a must.
Realistically assess expectations and timeline
Those who plan purely tactically from quarter to quarter will find it difficult to establish or sharpen the brand in the long term. Among other things, always-on communication and the consideration of real sales cycles are important criteria for accompanying customers on their decision-making journey. The customer journey can be interrupted by potential customers at any time, whether intentionally or unintentionally - in this case, it is all the more important that a provider remains in dialogue through positive experiences and creates return options. The KPIs should not only be based on the number of leads, but the metrics can be evaluated in lead score, engagement, dwell time and future interest. This is valuable information that supports account-based marketing and social selling, among other things.
Out of the box as a mindset
Creativity is not only important in consumer marketing. It is no longer news that decision-makers are also emotional people. Despite this, experience shows that marketers and product managers, especially in the B2B sector, are still tempted to rely on features and theoretical added-value information. Today's decision-maker groups are strongly business- or department-orientated - so problem-solving and profitability must be quickly recognisable. Trust and differentiation should be conveyed emotionally during the awareness phase. Decisions are made emotionally and later justified logically - this means that the content must match the respective communication phase of the consumer exactly.
Why the Evernine ‘Communication Galaxy’ works

Word has got around that marketing and sales perform better when they simply break down their silos and work together. This has many advantages, including that the value of the marketing measures is clear to everyone, the follow-up runs smoothly and the overall performance is increased. The ‘Evernine Communication Galaxy’ was developed because the following happened time and again in client projects: tactical measures faltered because the holistic approach was lacking. Business opportunities are wasted because areas of responsibility in companies are too segregated.
From Evernine's point of view, breaking down silos affects the following areas, which contain further sub-points: Content & Stories, External Marketing, People & Culture, CRM/MARTECH, Sales Enablement, DigitaUs/DigitalMe.
The aim for companies should be to network the individual areas and utilise synergies. This results in enormous potential for optimisation and cost savings. A ‘one voice strategy’ leads to effective communication across multiple levels and benefits the brand and demand generation.
How do you get started with smart lead generation?
‘When the management board expects quick results, there is little time for strategy - I need results,’ says one Evernine customer. As an agency, we have therefore developed three entry options in the area of classic campaigns that combine strategic and tactical marketing at a low threshold. A distinction is made between the following start options:
1. Strategic Campaigns Approach - this combines ‘hybrid’ short-term and long-term goals
2. Brand Loyalty Approach - the entry point is via brand and content challenges
3. Sales/tech approach - analysing and correcting the interaction between martech and sales processes
All three options open up established thought patterns in the medium term and lead to a structured and at the same time agile and dynamic strategy. In practice, this approach also has the advantage that, depending on the marketing manager's own experience, the biggest gaps can be gradually closed, including in the operational area. One starting point, for example, is a digital health check that analyses the providers' most important digital measures. In the area of content, it helps to take a closer look at all content and its distribution. A diagnosis of the customer journey reveals weaknesses in permeability and distribution. In martech and CRM, data weaknesses and problems with the transition to social selling can be identified. The aim is always to create multipliers through standardised objectives through communication and transparency. Optimising several overarching factors contributes to the success of lead generation campaigns.
Digital lead generation campaigns can still be successful in 2023 - if they are developed and implemented with the right strategy and new approaches. This requires breaking down silos, courage and creativity.
New approaches and approaches are now the order of the day in order not to miss out on the competition. In order to stand out from the mass of digital offerings and reach the desired target group with new (emotional) campaigns, the measures must always match your own brand. And then, but only then, can lead generation still lead to the desired success.
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